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EUnited for Ukraine!



The European Ukrainian Bridge connects volunteers and activists in Europe who have been and keep on helping Ukraine during the Russian-Agression-War on Ukraine in order to sustain the country and help the people.


Together with our European network, donor companies, institutions of the civil sector and partner NGOs, who are actively working in Ukraine, we are engaged to support the Ukrainian people as long as needed with humanitarian aid and financial support.

Exchange and humanity, crossing borders, sustaining democratic structures, peace and freedom - we are driven by these values. 

The link between a current status and a result is called action. With our engagement we want to demonstrate that it is possible to join forces and reach out all our hands to help Ukraine and create many actions of humanity!

Together we are many! - 

Be a bridge builder, too!

Euroopean Map
European Ukrainian Bridge Logo
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If you want to support our work, please get in touch with us for donations of humanitarain aid. For financial support, please use our donation site.

No matter if private person or company.

Everybody can also become a part of the European Ukrainian Bridge and help with a membership.

Please see the possibilities here on our website.

Symbol of shaking hands in form of a heart

 A friend in need is a friend indeed.


- You want to act with concrete help?

- You want to become a member of the EUB or volunteer?

- You want to open your own country or regional office of the European-Ukrainian Bridge?


Together we are many. Become part of the European Ukainian Bridge today! 

Symbol of giving hands

Ukraine is member of the European family which we must support during times of war and beyond after a hopefully soon established peace in order to rebuild the country.

Ukraine is defending the values of freedom and democracy! We are helping to defend Ukraine!

With our work we are helping to sustain the country.

Globee International - one of our NGO partners
Best Business Network - one of our association partners
USBA - one of our association partners
GCS - One of our NGO partners
Ukraine Alive  - one of our NGO partners
Cooperation Partners
U-NATION logo main.png
UCCI - one of our association partners
GEM - one of our NGO partners
WTCA - one of our association partners

© 2023 by

European Ukrainian Bridge  I Europäisch Ukrainische Brücke (EUB) e.V.

EUB ist als eingetragene gemeinnützige Organisation von der Körperschaft- und Gewerbesteuer befreit. 







European Ukrainian Bridge I

Europäisch Ukrainische Brücke (EUB) e.V.

Amtsgericht Hamburg VR 25354

c/o Europakontor

Ballindamm 39

20095 Hamburg


European Ukrainian Bridge
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